Biggest Swarm Catch Ever! A few days ago, we caught the biggest swarm of honeybees we’ve ever caught – all by doing next to nothing! We set some hive boxes out with some frames, most were empty with the exception of 1 or 2 that had partially drawn out honeycomb. We didn’t use any […]
100% Organic Raw Honey – on sale now!
100% Organic Raw Honey – 16 oz Our honeybees have been good to us and now, we want to share our honey harvest with you! This super flavorful honey is unlike anything you’ve ever tasted! Some jars have a light floral flavor while others have a rich, dark berry flavor. The taste is so amazing, […]
5 Benefits of Beekeeping
There are a lot more benefits of beekeeping than harvesting affordable, local, delicious honey (although I must say, that is the sweetest benefit of all). In these high-tech times, people rarely think about keeping honeybees. Most people think, why keep bees when you can go buy a bottle of honey from the grocery store, with less hassle? If you […]
Bee Removal in Columbia, SC – Don’t Kill those Honeybees!
Swarm season is just around the corner. Spotting a swarm of bees in your yard can be scary! The first response for most people: Freak out! The second response: Grab some bug spray or call an exterminator. I’d like to offer another option: Stay calm and call for a bee removal. Bee Removal in Columbia […]
Our Swarm Traps Worked – We caught some bees in a trap!
It took a while – and if I can be honest, we actually gave up on those swarm traps we built back in March. After all, it is the first week of June, and that seemed like ages ago. But today, just as we were about to inspect our top bar hive, I noticed some […]
How to build an inexpensive bee swarm trap
It’s almost bee swarm season, so we thought we’d get an early start on getting our traps ready. Scottie has been doing so much more research on building traps than I have, but I decided to make one anyway. Scottie and I were out trying to choose a good spot in the yard when I said, […]